Meet The Committee

PresidentZain Amir 

"Mike Wazowski and Sauron walk into a bar....

About Me:1013964_10200175993671176_1145938070_n
I am a 4th year medical student who intercalated in BSc Cellular Molecular Medicine. I’m passionate about Ophthalmology and passionate about engaging and introducing more medical students to Ophthalmology

Why Ophthalmology?:
The medical microcosm that is the field of Ophthalmology is what initially appealed to me. The opportunity to enagage with all aspect of medicine from the patient interaction, surgical/medical expertise and academic research rigour is what I find so exciting about this so-called “niche” specialty.

Vice President Daisy Bassey-Duke

""If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it".
 - William Arthur Ward

About Me:11753876_10153000933313231_2105058901_n

I am a 4th year Medical Student with a previous degree in Optometry. As you can tell I love eyes. I enjoy anything that’s creative. From coming up with an idea, planning how to carry it out, all the way to the implementation. For this reason I have a stupid amount of hobbies.

Why Ophthalmology?
Well as previously stated, I find the eyes fascinating. Before starting medical school, I worked as a refractive optometrist (getting patients ready and taking care of them after their eye surgeries).

As part of my role, I worked along side Ophthalmologists and was given the opportunity to watch and observe their work on a daily basis. This has given me a unique insight into what a career in Ophthalmology would be and let me tell you, its Awesome! It is a very rewarding career. Every Ophthalmologist I have spoken to has talked extremely favourably about their job satisfaction and the career as a whole. Its unique in that it gives you the opportunity to have a good mixture of patient contact and surgery. You are able to cure your patients straight away. Its great for private work and best of all, surgery is not messy!

Vice President Nikhita Shrimanker 

"I’m running out of ophthalmology jokes. They just keep getting cornea cornea "

About Me:Screen Shot 2015-10-04 at 16.19.38

I’m a 4th year medical student, who intercalated in Neuroscience in King’s College London. I love travelling, stand-up comedy, mucking around with art and dancing.

Why Ophthalmology?:

Ophthalmology is the ideal amalgamation of medicine and surgery. It’s a fascinating specialty and a huge number of diseases and medications have complications affecting the eyes.

Eyes are beautiful and complicated. Lots of people shy away from the specialty, but no matter which specialty you ultimately choose, or where in the world you choose to practice, an understanding of the eyes will always be useful. An expanding field for research, interesting, respected, both medicine and surgery, and a good life style… why Not ophthalmology??

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